Michele Duero

Our experience working with Cat and Damian as mentors/coaches has been extraordinarily valuable to us as my partner and I embark on our journey from being OT clinician-employees to home accessibility consultants and business owners.

Working with them has helped us hone our business model. They have saved us a tremendous amount of time and frustration by helping us understand how to navigate the variety of 3rd party payers, explore funding options, sharing their unique marketing strategies specific to home modifications, and by providing us with their forms and spread sheets and technology tips that have helped us structure our business.

They have been incredibly supportive by quickly responding to our questions and concerns via e-mail and during regularly scheduled video calls, as well as by sharing their case studies and giving us honest and valuable feedback on our work. They have lived true to their assertion to us that "our success is their success" as they continue to stick with us over these many months through this process .

Sara Messer

My business partner and I have been incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Cat and Damian from TFL to help get our home modification and accessibility consulting business up and running. I have talked with many OTs starting their businesses, and it is a struggle for all of us.

I was admittedly blissfully naive about what it took to start our own business...until I wasn't. The experience and vast knowledge of the home modification and accessibility consulting industry that Cat and Damian possess is unparalleled. When we began, we had an abundance of questions and concerns. Through their guidance and leadership, Cat and Damian always answered us thoughtfully and quickly. Most importantly, they opened our eyes to a new approach to running our business which ultimately helps us be more productive, efficient, and effective.

They helped us with everything from understanding the complicated levels of federal and state programs to how to find funding to what equipment is best used for different patient populations to how to work with different 3rd party payers. They consistently reminded us that we have them in our back pocket!

I have been an occupational therapist for over 20 years, and I have never had this level of support, guidance or commitment from any mentors before. There are no words to express the amount of gratitude I have for Cat and Damian at TFL for their mentorship and guidance in starting our business .

Melissa Smith

Cat and Damian were very helpful and knowledgeable and I really appreciated them. They shared information with me that was informative and I believe it really helped me land my contract with the State of Oregon. I am forever grateful to you! I still have my contract with the state. .

Aviva Blaustein and
Miriam Ringel

Pivoting from a clinician to a business owner is never an easy feat, especially for novices like us, and working with Cat and Damian has been invaluable to us as we navigate these new waters. Cat and Damian are extremely knowledgeable about the business and finances side, as well as the clinical and practical information that makes a home assessment and home modification company a success.

Cat and Damian are very available with any questions or concerns, they hold you accountable to stay on track with your business goals, and meet regularly for invaluable advice, information and problem-solving. They guide you through it all, including the tedious process of insurance coverages, federal and 3rd party payers, other funding options, potential client referral sources, access to vendors and marketing strategies just to name a few. They are also a sounding board, with helpful feedback to improve both our business and clinical expertise, and they are with you every step of the way through the entire process. Given all their support, the cost of the Home Mod Mentorship is very reasonable as they saved us from making amateur mistakes and hours of time we would have otherwise spent learning information on our own, and most of all - we know we will have a return on investment, and THEN some!

The support and encouragement from both Cat and Damian gives us the confidence we need to keep things moving forward and ultimately reach our goals. We cannot thank them enough for all they have done for us so far, and continue to do for us, as our business takes off… and beyond! .

The home mod mentor course

is designed to support you in building a successful home modification consulting business.

Here's what you can expect inside the
home mod mentor course

  • A forum to communicate, challenge and learn with other students.
  • Monthly group training on new topics regarding accessibility, and business development.
  • Members-only training and materials.
  • License to use our assessment application.
  • License to use our curated email newsletters, blog posts, and case studies.
  • Discounts for website design and social media marketing.
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for the home mod mentor program
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